Sunday, November 2, 2014

NADAC Trial 11.2.14

Tessa and I had a FABULOUS time today at the OK Agility trial. Thanks to Ellen Tanne Kurland, June Legg Cole, Kelly Randall, and everyone else involved for making it so fun and friendly! I was pretty much thrilled with everything Tessa did, even though we didn't come home with all that many Qs (two, with various placements in those and other classes). Good things: her contacts were phenomenal. Stuck 'em EVERY TIME. I was THRILLED. Her enthusiasm and drive were fantastic! I loved that she wanted to go back in as we were leaving so she could run again. We ran SIX TIMES today (more than I think I've ever done before) and she wanted to do more. She loved it! Her ground speed was great! I felt like her dogwalk speed was really good when we were out there, but on video, it doesn't look quite as fast as it did when I was hoofing it to catch up. HA! She did some good rear crosses and tandem turns. She stayed focused and remembered her job even though we've had to do much of our practicing in the yard lately. She only knocked one bar all day at 16", so I feel like she understands that she's supposed to leave the bars up, so that's good. She demonstrated some great lateral distance work and some sends that were great.  Tessa also worked on her settle down in the crate skills, and that behavior improved during the day.

Things we need to work on: Hoops, forward sends, and general communication skills. When she's heading toward an off-course, me stopping and calling her doesn't do anything. I need to sort that out.

It was nice to visit with such a lovely group of people today. Fun stuff!

Our two Qs were in Chances (our first there!) and in Tunnelers, where she won first place. In Weavers and Jumpers, she took second without a Q. I don't know how she placed in the two regular runs, but they weren't Qs.

If you want a few details on the runs, check out the descriptions with the videos. Make it full screen - since these are Go Pro videos, they are far away.

These are the runs in order:



Regular Round 1

Regular Round 2

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