Sunday, February 9, 2014

Practice 2.9.14

Today I spent about an hour training Tessa out at Courteous Canine. The weather was finally warm and sunny!

I tried to edit this together into one training video but I couldn't figure out how to edit out all the down time. So I made lots of short little videos and cut the downtime off the ends. It took forever. You're welcome.

The channel weaves were set 2.5 inches apart, which is a half-an-inch narrower than the stick-in-the-grounds I worked her on yesterday. (There's some downtime in this video because I didn't think of breaking it down into smaller pieces and editing. My apologies.)

Then we went and worked the Jumpers course that we tried in class on Thursday. I really liked the pinwheel without the front cross, even though I know the front cross should be better. All jumps were at 16 inches.

We worked the dogwalk. At first, we did it without a target.

The second try, I put a target down because she stopped with all four on and wouldn't go all the way down.

Then I put targets on each end and worked it. It went much better with the targets. Clearly, I need to work to fade them.

We are working on having her gain confidence on the teeter. I hope this technique is working. I don't feel super comfortable with it because I know she isn't either, but she seems to be handling it well so far.

Then we did some A-frame practice. She didn't stop on the contact without the targets. She kind of skipped off and downed way at the end. With the targets, she did much better.

Then we worked on the standard course. We broke it into parts. Here are the center two sections.

After this, we went and played on the Jumpers course again, but the camera ran out of charge! I kind of did too, but Tessa was still plenty charged up :)

My plan for the contacts is to fade them by putting more and more dirt and leaves on them to slowly  cover them up. I did that a little bit today.

Video courtesy of Clean Run.

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