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A-frame practice:
Saved the best for last, didn't we?
I'm super happy with this teeter. When we took a break from going to class and training anywhere but our backyard for over a month (due to my shoulder surgery), she was still pretty iffy on the teeter. Not confident, flying off, no end behavior. Now, looky!
Threw in the chute, a jump, and the tire....
Her dogwalk is very solid. This video cuts off mid-second run, so don't bother to keep watching after the first pass :)
At home, I only have 22" poles. At first, I used stick-in-the-grounds at 24" to balance out the training on 22s but that was a pain. After my surgery, I just used the 22s. As you can see, it's caused no problems whatsoever in her performance. In fact, these performances are better than the ones she does at home.
Love that I can rear cross the weaves!
Then we tried this jumpers course. She actually knocked fewer bars than I expected, but we still need a lot of jump work. There's a lot of really bad handling in these videos. You have been warned.
For the next two runs, I moved the bars down to 16" I think she only knocked one or two bars that way, although I only ran the segment shown here. This requires more checking into. If she can keep the bars up at 16", I think that says some things that I had better hear.